Monday 8 July 2013

"Daydream. I fell asleep beneath the flowers for a couple of hours..."

It was 2PM; which means only one thing at Anwar-Ul-Islam school: Closing time. The rain was so heavy this day, however, that I decided to wait a while in the staff room 'til it stopped. So, there I sat in my chair, doing one of my favourite things: getting lost in thoughts. As I thought about several things from memories to possibilities, I ended up thinking about thinking. Sounds weird? Check this:

I think that one of life's most beautiful gifts is the ability to think, daydream, imagine, call it whatever. I find that getting lost in thoughts sometimes puts me at my happiest. I enjoy that ability to reminisce on what has been-what we know as memories-, and the ability to consider what could be. What makes thinking so beautiful is the endless possibilities of how far the mind can go. I dare say that everyone enjoys fantasies, even realists. We know that those far-fetched imaginations might never actually materialize but oh, how beautiful it is to stretch one's mind so far!

Why I call it a gift is its mysterious factor. Thinking is OUR own thing. The fact that no one else can know what you're thinking, well, unless you tell them, makes it special. In a world where everyone is constantly trying to stick their nose in the next person's business, it's nice to have this one thing to hold on to. 

My happiest place goes beyond the seen. My happiest place is within. Alone, with my thoughts.

PS: It's a town, not a village! :P

Image source: Google

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, true and deep. Love that quote 'Think. It's not illegal yet'
